Typically, meetings of the Rotary Club of San Marino begin with what is known as a “joke, song and pledge,” an ideally “clean” joke, often patriotic “song” and the Pledge of Alleiance. This last Thursday, that typical recipe was trend upside down.
“I’ll let Ariana (Basseri) handle the jokes) said local chiropractor Gene Orlowsky, who had volunteered for “joke, song and pledge” duty. Basseri, a local celebrity of sorts, was the keynote speaker at the meting.
“Leave the jokes to her” – said Orlowsky, as he glanced in Basseri’s direcrtion.
Smart move.
Basseri has graced the Rotary Club of San Marino’s dais on several occasions and is also a trained stand-up comedian.
Her act was called “comedy and dry cleaning,” referring to two of her jobs. Aside from her career as a stand-up comedian, Basseri works at the family business, Steamer Cleaners., a dry cleaner that has become quite trendy among the Hollywood set. She showed a photo of herself with Paula Abdul to prove it.
Thursday’s presentation served as sort of a coming and going for Basseri, who, along with her husband Rob Fee, is moving to Orlando, Florida to follow his career. Fee is involved in the creative element of WWE, the famous professional wrestling franchise and Basseri is relocating to support her husband
Basseri is also an accomplished Rotarian, who brought photos of she and her parents building a house in Mexico that was given to the family. She is also currently writing a book.
One thing Basseri has going for her is honesty.
“This is a presentation about MEEE! She declared. Basseri said she takes Prozac, Wellbutrin and regularly attends therapy.
“I am the queen of anxiety and the mistress of fun,” she said, to a raucous round of laughter.
A 2008 graduate of San Marino High School, Basseri told of performing in the school’s productions of “The Odd Couple”and “Cats.”
She also showed several clips of herself performing at The Laugh Factory and talked about finishing 4th in an international dry cleaning competition.
“I’m the Queen of Clean,” she said, displaying a trophy to prove it.
She discussed undergoing a nose job and said she has “no problem” with cosmetic surgery.
“At least it’s honest,” she said.
“Thank God for dry cleaning,” Basseri said at the close of her show. “It allows me to do some things for me.”