The SMNLL 11U All Star baseball team won the District 17 championship on Thursday by defeating PALL 10-2.
It was defensive battle that put San Marino down 0-2 entering the 6th inning. Thanks to a raucous cheering section and a never give up mentality, the boys rallied to score 10 runs in the top of the 6th.
The team’s scoring streak was led by solid hits from Justin Chen, Andrew Flores and Henry Repstad. Pitchers Henry Carpiac and Austin Kar had great days on the mound and were helped by tremendous defensive efforts from Lucas Hsieh, Jack Macfarlane and Josh Newton. The team will go on to represent District 17 in the Sectionals tournament, which starts Sat, July 15 in Quartz Hill.
The SMNLL 11U All Star team includes players Aaron Avila, Henry Carpiac, Justin Chen, Andrew Flores, James Gill, Kyler Gong, Lucas Hsieh, Austin Kar, Marcus Lin, Jack MacFarlane, Joshua Newton and Henry Repstad. The team is led by manager Andy Carpiac and coaches Toby Hsieh and Mark Repstad.